Assetto corsa
Set a lap at noto HQ with the following rules:
- Track: Orchard Extended Track
- Car: Honda Civic
- Assist all OFF
Take a photo of your results after the race and we'll record it on the quest leaderboard.
Current ranking leaderboard:
- 1st: Best Lap: 2:14:141 - Wayne Lee (@miataman69)
- 2nd: Best Lap: 2:16:196 - Roy Koh (@yyroykoh)
- 3rd: Best Lap: 2:22:077 - Aaron Chan (@Aaron)
- 4th: Best Lap: 02:38:46 - Tan Zheng Jie (@zack_zhengjie)
Quest By
Statement of Proof
Post on Instagram, tag @noto_tomo, and hashtag #notolegends in your caption. Your post should contain the following:
- A photo of your Assetto Corsa results with the above settings.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you may submit the above to @omonoto privately, for half of the NP.
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