150 XP

A tofu moment

Take a video of your car entering Fujiwara Tofu Concept Shop parking lot in one shot from the left most lane (Cars only quest). Safety first!

Quest By

Statement of Proof

Post on Instagram, tag @cultofcars_noto, and hashtag #cultlegends in your caption. Your post should contain the following:

  • A video of your car entering the Fujiwara Tofu Concept Shop parking lot in one shot from the left most lane.

Alternatively, if your prefer, you may submit the above to @omonoto privately, for half of the XP.

World's First Quest Completion!

Completed Your Quest?

If you have posted your statement of proof online, simply give @omonoto

  • The name of the quest
  • A link to your online post

If you have chosen to submit your statement of proof privately, simply give @omonoto:

  • The name of the quest
  • Your statement of proof
Omo, I've completed this quest!