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Be a legend of the community

Cult Legends - Backup

When others call for help, Legends will answer.

A friend in need...

Answer the call

The story of Legends are often growing with every life they have touched. And your legend will be the same.


We're about people who enjoy cars and driving, not about brands of cars.

All cars are beautiful, and they express who we are. Whether they're stock, modified, or body kitted. Whether they're daily cars, sports cars, or supercars.

When you change your car, you don't change your place in Cult of Cars.


No, we're not talking about having Zoom beer sessions.

We're talking about having the opportunity to connect both online, and in the real world.

Not all of us have the luxury of attending every meet up, or go on every drive. Or maybe we don't want to. Or maybe we're not in Singapore.

But, we can almost certainly keep in touch online.

Good company, responsible adults.

The car community sometimes gets a bad reputation. People see us as nuisances who like to make a racket with our engines. Or drive dangerously. Or elitist folks. And some unfortunately do that.

That's not Cult of Cars. We're about being responsible adults, and having a good time together in a considerate manner.

Whether, like us, you want create a community that has the reputation it actually deserves, or you simply want to be in a community believes in being considerate and responsible, we're here and we'd love to get to know you.

No gatekeeping.

We welcome members from all walks of life, at any age, and at any stage of their car journey.

Whether you're not driving yet (but you love cars), or whether you drive simple or the car of many people's dreams, you're welcome.

Because for us, it's not about the car, it's about enjoying it.

By the way, it's free.

Cult Legends Backup

From 50 XP

We love the community spirit in Cult of Cars. So it pretty much goes without saying, we want this camaraderie to last forever.

Helping a fellow community member goes a long way and is something that we already do, but we want to now endorse it officially. So, if you ever help someone with car troubles or assist a member with their challenges, we want to reward you with XP.

Or if you want to recognise someone who helped you, you can let us know too. 

How does it work?

1. You or a community member posts a request (privately or publicly).
2. You lend them your assistance, or you receive assistance in person.
3. Just let the Omo or the admins know what happened and which parties were involved.

And voila, the XP will be credited to you (upon verification)!

Provided or received backup recently?

Drop @omonoto a text and let us know more details so we can award you the XP.

Omo, I've completed this quest!


Connect with all of us through our Telegram or WhatsApp channels.


Join us for our in-person meetups like breakfasts, lunches or dinners, if you're in the vicinity.


We're sometimes literally on the road, on drives to Malaysia or beyond.


And sometimes we're a small part of a bigger event.

Annual Mystery Event

Once a year, we host a grand get-together with a twist - a mystery event designed to surprise and delight our members. This is a larger scale and will offer unique experiences and opportunities.

This annual celebration is the highlight of our club calendar.

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